sPHENIX is a new detector currently operating at the RHIC facility at BNL. sPHENIX provides state-of-art capabilities for studies of the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma using jet and heavy-flavor observables. The goal of sPHENIX is to understand the microscopic structure of the plasma and reveal how its strongly interacting nature arises from the underlying interactions of quarks and gluons described by quantum chromodynamics.

For a summary of sPHENIX physics results, see the Public Results page.

Quick Links

To reach the sPHENIX Speaker's Committee, or to send email to the sPHENIX co-spokespersons, use the "Contact" link in the menu at the top of this page.

Each month, we highlight two early career scientists working on sPHENIX. The whole collaboration appreciates the dedication of these young physicists! See the growing list of sPHENIX heroes here

sPHENIX Code of Conduct and Community values

Meetings: https://indico.bnl.gov/categoryDisplay.py?categId=65

Mailing lists: https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo

Collaboration by-laws: https://www.sphenix.bnl.gov/sphenix-laws

Publication policy

Public presentations


sPHENIX Picturebook

Visitor information

Run 2024 information

Authorship information